Jessie Lilley
Buddy Barnett
Brad Linaweaver

November 2009     Web Edition     Issue #3

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The Ides of March

by Brad Linaweaver

That time of year is on us again, when assassins emerge from the shadows, knives glinting in the cruel light. We remember the assassination of Julius Caesar. I once wrote an alternate history about Caesar for Harry Turtledove's Alternate Generals. In my story, Caesar changes his politics at the penultimate moment. Then he's murdered by Mark Antony. Just goes to show that when your time is up, your time is up.

Originally, Jessie and I were going to devote this space to an update article on Silicon Assassin. After all, there's a lot of assassinatin' going on in that epic. I'm halfway through the article, "Are We Free Yet?" What has put the article on hold is a timely piece by our own J. Kent Hastings that needs to be highlighted now.

Long after the assassination of Caesar, two American Presidents had epochal historical deaths: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. In common with Caesar, these deaths inspired many artistic explorations of great leaders cut down. Kent has a true story to tell about a science fiction tale regarding JFK on that fateful day in Dallas, and how it relates to one of our writers for Mondo Cult.

Before Jessie introduces one of the most important articles ever to appear in MC, in my humble opinion, let me say a few words about the upcoming article on Silicon Assassin. Our three primary directors have a lot going on.

Richard Hatch, the series star, directed "Problem Child," the first episode. The painting you see here is by L. J. Dopp and portrays the original SA team. Left to right are: Vicki Marie Taylor, Paula LaBaredas, the painting inside the painting of Chuck Hammill, his father Charles P. Hammill, Victoria Plumb and Richard Hatch. They are holding rayguns designed by Dopp.

Christopher Douglas-Olen Ray not only directed the most episodes, but his "Window of Opportunity" won an international award that reflected on the whole series.

Edward L. Plumb won an amazing number of awards for his "Dead Reckoning." Not only was it honored with a showing at the Chinese Theatre Hollywood, but has eclipsed 100,000 YouTube views.

As for our wonderful cast throughout the series, I count myself the luckiest bastard in Hollyweird to have found so much talent for this truly idiosyncratic project.

Then there's everyone else, from music to the technicians. I owe abundant thanks to many, including Jessie for managing the YouTube page. Watch this space.